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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Prayers, chapter 3


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I believe that there is only one God throughout the universe, and He is the Creator and master of the whole universe, and therefore He is also the eternal positive and active life-force that keeps the whole universe alive, and guides the whole universe with his greater wisdom.

I believe in this God-Most-High who is the eternal unseen life-force that guides the whole universe, even though I could not see Him. And I believe also that the whole universe is full of many seen and unseen active things, and even though I cannot see these unseen active things I know that they are there and they are working together in a parallel way with the seen things; therefore, they are helping each other in the never ending life cycle of the whole universe.

I believe that since God-Most-High is the active life-force of all living beings in the universe, from the largest to the smallest living being or thing; it follows that all the life-force of living beings or things to God they shall return when they die.

Therefore, I believe that through God-Most-High-life-force every living creature receives their gift of life when they are born, and at the end of their lives their life-force will return to God-Most-High-life-force, and there in the spiritual form they will stay waiting for next round, if and when there is a next round.

I have good reasons to believe that the following is true, because it is believed that within this parallel spiritual world the highest order of all living beings that return to God’s life-force, may one day, be judged according to their lives’ deeds that is if and when there is a real judgment day. To understand better what I believe and mean about judgment and salvation you need to read that part of my religious writings called ‘Reconciliation of the Universe’.

I believe that God our father is the Creator of everything and drives the whole universe as He likes, since any existing things in the whole universe belongs to Him, that is everything at all: Like the earth and everything on it; like the growing vegetation on land and in the sea; like all sorts of fishes and animals, and all mankind irrespective to where a person is born and to which race that person belongs; and He is also the master of the stars and all other celestial planets, and all celestial beings material or spiritual in the whole universe. You will understand my own views of how God-life-force is everywhere in the universe at the same time, when you read my theory about the living God-life-force of the universe, in my writings of Reconciliation of the Universe.

I believe that God is our heavenly father and to Him we should turn for help when we need any help, this makes sense, because we have to believe that since any good father loves to help his own children; it should follows that God who is the best father of them all should like to help us more than anyone of us thinks possible, and that would happen only if we turn to God our Father and praying ask for his help; let us not forget that!

Therefore during our lives, let us always pray God our Father whenever we feel threatened helpless or concerned about ourselves and also for the rest of the world, and also when we need his guidance or help, in order to do the right things and live according to God’s will.

As it happens just now I feel like that I need to pray God for help, since I feel concerned with this struggle that’s taking place within myself, which is like this: While I struggle within my mind with these thoughts, I keep asking myself whether or not I have to write these religious writings, not only because I am not a writer and it is not going to be easy for me to write them; but also because I foresee that I could encounter many problems while I am writing them right now, and also in the future only because I have written them.

So, I may as well start praying God hoping that God would help me overcome my concerns!

Now, let me explain myself here, where I stand in relation to these religious writings and my own background; just because I am a Roman Catholic born I have been taught to pray like one, and therefore, I have only been able to modify my ways of praying to a certain extend through my own beliefs. So, today I am praying to the living God who is the active God-Life-Force of the whole universe thus:


In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy-Spirit, I am praying and humbly asking you God-Most-High and Eternal Merciful Father for your help. I am praying because I feel from within my heart that I have been called to write these religious beliefs, and that I should write them in order to help humanity understand my own religious beliefs. So, Father if it is your will and you would want me to write them; then you would have to help me, because I would not be able to write them without your help.

So, first of all I pray you Father to let your guiding force guide me to write the right things in these religious writings, and then, because I am concerned about writing them for my own safety, help me overcome my concerns and fears about writing them.

Father, hear my prayer and help me to write them, and also help me to overcome my concerns and fears! Amen.


Just by thinking about what I would like to write in my religious writings I feel very concerned, because in order to say and achieve what I want to say and achieve, I have to break free from some very old religious traditions, which for centuries and even thousands of years have been observed very closely from most religious leaders and believers. So, for me to come out suddenly and break free from the old religious traditions would be shocking to everybody to say the least. Therefore, for this very reason I am also concerned that the whole world may hate me for writing them, and for the same reason they may not accept my religious views easily.

Therefore, first and foremost I have to be strong in my own beliefs if I have to write them, and I have to believe that it is God’s will that I have to write these religious writings, since I feel that God has sown in me this seed of wanting to write them. So, I pray God to help me and guide me in this hard task.

In order to give an explanation to the present state of religious things, I am inclined to believe that the reasons for the present religious traditions for being as they are and for being left unchanged for so long has been because people have always had a great fear to change them. Of course without a doubt there have been good reasons not to change them until now, and there have been also many reasons of convenience not to change them until nowadays.

But as we all know, there is a right time and a wrong time for doing anything, and even though in the past it would have been right not to change any of these religious traditions, nowadays it would be wrong not to change or upgrade them at all.

Because nowadays old religious traditions start looking a bit strange, because nowadays we view thing different in our mind eyes, the reason why we have this different view it is because we perceive them in a different way, and the reason for perceiving them in a different way it is because in today’s world things are changing very rapidly compared to the old times, and this is changing our way of thinking and perceiving things. These changes that are taking place now are going to change even faster in the future.

Therefore, if we think about it and make use of our minds to reflect about what’s really happening now, we will begin to understand that with the passing of time everything will change even those things that for a very long time we believed could never change and would never change. Therefore today we find ourselves in a position that needs adjustment for the future and this includes also existing religious beliefs: So, in order to make the right adjustments everything should be reviewed and adjusted to suit the present time and also the future times; otherwise soon or later the existing old religious ways would not make any real sense to the present world generations and even less sense to the future generations. Now, if religion does not make good sense to the believers they would not believe in religion, and therefore there is a good chance that they could even abandon religion altogether.

Therefore, I believe that the time has come when existing religious beliefs cannot stay any longer as they are now, and those persons like me who believe in God and religion have got to do something about it to ensure that religious beliefs last forever.

These actions that we have to take now have become necessary in order to secure the future for religions, even if we find it hard to modify them. We need to do this now, because human evolution has reached a very advanced stage, and I dare say that humanity these days start to question the present religious system, because nowadays we are living in the age of reason, where the human mind perceives lots more things than we used to understand in the past, and through these extra understanding that we have, we often like to believe that our minds can guide us to overcome anything in our way with or without God’s help.

Then we are also living in the age of the computer, which enable us to learn things a lot faster than ever before. Because of this computer devise some of the people on earth are becoming very learned and intellectually advance faster than ever before, and through this acquired knowledge, they sometimes ask themselves what’s the use of religion nowadays, because they are able to perceive that these existing religious traditions don’t fit very well the needs of the people in nowadays world; therefore, if this leading group of people, or part of this leading group of people are not fast religious believers, they may have a point to say that religious traditions have become useless beliefs.

So, in order to avoid this happening to religions and ruin ourselves in the eyes of God, we who believe in God and religion as it is now and as it has been from the beginning of times, nowadays we know that we have to do something about it, because it is obvious that we need to modify religions and make religions fit the needs of this present generation and also the future generations.

Now let me talk about these religious writings review.

Dear reader and believer, first of all, I would like to inform you that the following religious writings review are going to be according to the existing religious beliefs; because they are not trying to change anything from the existing beliefs at all, and in fact they are being written in order to consolidate in a collective way what I believe is known today, so that existing religious beliefs may have a better chance to survive and be useful for future generations. So, don’t expect much change from these reviews, even if sometimes they may seem to you that they are not completely according to the existing religious beliefs.

Personally I believe or at least I hope that God likes the idea that I should write my religious writings, since a strange event has happened to me, as I personally have proof to believe that I have been greeted from an angel from heaven as the author of Reconciliation of the Universe; I am saying this because there is no other possible explanation for what I have heard and seen. This special encounter I am going to write fully at the beginning of the part of these religious writing which I call Reconciliation of the Universe.

Because of this encounter, I believe that God is going to help me write my religious writings of Reconciliation of the Universe in his own ways. I am saying this, because I know that for me is not going to be easy to write them as I am only a simple unlearned man, so, only with the help of God I may be able to write these writings.

You see I seem to get in all sorts of trouble when I try to write anything at all, and I get in far more trouble when I want to write important things like religion, because while I am trying to write about God’s things I end up writing my personal things. You see both these two subjects are too closely related for me as an unlearned and untrained human being, and the only thing that I would be able to do is to try and keep them separate as much as I can, so that it would make it easier for me to write them, and for you my readers to understand what I intend to say. May God help me while I write them!

Therefore now, since I believe that I have no other choice; but to write my religious writings since I have seen this angel from heaven who greeted me as the author of, Reconciliation of the Universe, I believe that it would be very foolish of me if I don’t write my religious beliefs now. So, let me just go ahead and write them, and may God help me!

I believe that God’s things are very important to express properly, so, let me say a prayer to God-Most-High, which is the highest and the holiest positive life-force of the whole universe, so that He would help me express myself the best way I can, before I can start to talk about any religious matter and my own personal needs.

I believe first of all that I should really try to be worthy to pray for what I want from God. So, first I have to pray God to forgive me my sins, so that I’ll be reconciled with God life force and therefore I would become worthy to pray to Him; and then I could pray and ask God what I would like personally to have, or be helped with.

So, let me pray my personal prayer of reconciliation to our merciful and Heavenly Father God Most High who is also the collective positive life force of the whole universe.

This is my personal prayer of reconciliation, in order to live my life according to thy will:

Prayers of Reconciliation
Prayers, chapter 3
Next time with, Prayers of Reconciliation

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